Who I Am When Nobody’s Watching:
(i) On most days, a person as messy as the bun on my head. My room & my stuff may be tidy & put together, but my mind full of a hundred variety of thoughts, is as flummoxed as it can get.
(ii) An obnoxiously loud singer of my favorite songs on repeat, be it in the bathroom or during the incredibly long drives I take by myself.
(iii) A seeker for underappreciated comfort in staring out the window to gaze at the stars amidst complete silence at 3am, while subsequently refusing to leave the comfort of my bed before 11am the next day.
(iv) An over-enthusiastic weirdo who plans (a little too early) all the celebration ideas for special occasions, while always being more excited for birthdays of my closest people, wayyy more than they themselves are.
(v) A sucker for re-runs of all my favorite sitcoms be in 10, 20 or even 50 times, slyly trying to escape reality one nap, one poem & one episode at a time.
(vi) A silent observer & meticulous scribbler; yet ironically an unexpressive emotional fool, escaping a vulnerable phone call or an awkward interaction as much as I can.
(vii) A sloppy baker & surprisingly good chef, trying to learn a new recipe at every chance I get.
(viii) A fanatic of all that’s related to love. Trashy romcoms, slow Bollywood tracks, magical quotes & poetry & letters filled with affection. Obsessed with the the feeling of love, no matter what form it comes in.
(ix) A paradox when it comes to music & books. Ignoring them for days on end, yet falling into the pit of obsession with their beauty once I start consuming them.
(x) An underconfident & chaotic mess, working a little harder every day to be a brave daughter, a fierce sister, a loving partner & a caring friend.
Also Read: Love