Girl Vs World

They asked me
to stay frightened,
She heard let’s fight it ,
They said you are
supposed to be barred
behind the house ,
She replied “one day I’ll fit
into my father’s shoes”,
They rebuked “you don’t deserve
going to school”,
She got praised and said
“one day it’s the girls who will
rule” ;

They they taunted “incase while
working to make your career,anything goes
wrong do not blame ” ,
Dude it’s our choice
and nothing about your shame ;

She fought , she cried ;

She knelt down on her knees ,

She begged , She stood ,

Not going to be shattered again,
She learnt handling her life’s keys ;

Depression, anxiety , agony they said ,

Happiness, independence, proud were the
bricks that she laid .

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